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Published 2022/07/15

Reading 4 min

They always say a change is as good as a holiday, well how about when the holiday becomes the change! That was the case for Tin Maung Lynn who fell in love with Melbourne on a holiday with his family and thanks to supportive colleagues was able to fulfil his dream.

The inspiration first stuck as part of Haulotte’s multinational environment where Tin; based in Singapore at the time; saw employees working far from home and making huge impacts on the corporate success.

I have had a chance to admire wonderful teams of colleagues from different time zones working and daring together to achieve a common goal with trust and respect. Watching the Asia-Pacific Managing Director Damien Gautier who had relocated from Haulotte France to Singapore back in 2000s and having such success was very motivational


With support from his managers Tin was able to reach out to Australia and set the wheels in motion! After that Tin explains that the process was quite simple.
“The relocation was overall a smooth transition due to the help of management from both subsidiaries. With the support of HR, my family and I were in Australia, with accommodation, transport and schooling organised by the time I first went to work”, adds Tin.
For Haulotte Australia it was a win/win experience explains Operations Manager Evan Goulis.

His technical skills in dealing with EWP’s

“We are growing so fast at the moment that we are always looking for skilled people to add to the team. When the opportunity cam up to help Tin relocate, we jumped at it.  His technical skills in dealing with EWP’s, in particular Haulotte’s, was as skill set we were very keen to expand on”, says Evan.
The whole experience went so well, that Haulotte soon realized how invaluable Tin was and were determined to do everything they could to keep him in the country. He was initially employed on a short-term Visa but the wheels were put in motion to seek permanent residency.
“It wasn’t an easy process, our HR department worked closely with Tin and migration agents to arrange for Permanent Residency. It wasn’t an easy task, there was LOTS of paperwork, questions and proof required. But it was worth it for us the ensure Tin and his family could stay in Australia”, adds Evan.
The lengthy process took more than 6 months to get everything in order.
“When I first heard I had received permanent residency I was so happy. Haulotte arranged a great little Aussie box for us, and we were able to celebrate all the effort, even though it was during a COVID lockdown” adds Tin.

Despite the whole process taking a lot of time and effort, Haulotte are so pleased with the result that they are looking to repeat the experience.
“We are currently talking with a team in the Philippines who have some trained EWP mechanics who would love to come to Melbourne. We are proud to be helping the Australian dream come true for more skilled workers”, adds Evan.
No migration story would be complete without a mention of some typical Australian colloquialisms. When asked about his highlights so far Tin was very excited to share stories of the beach and kangaroos. He even got to enjoy the right of passage for Australians with a road trip during the recent holidays.
“In Singapore you never have to drive more than 30 minutes to get from one place to the next. I am starting to get used to the long drives and really enjoyed the scenic experience of Victoria’s Great Ocean Road. I am hoping to get interstate now that the borders are open”, adds Tin.

(pictured: Tin and his family expolring the Great Ocean Road)

We are currently talking with a team in the Philippines who have some trained EWP mechanics who would love to come to Melbourne. We are proud to be helping the Australian dream come true for more skilled workers”, adds Evan.
No migration story would be complete without a mention of some typical Australian colloquialisms. When asked about his highlights so far Tin was very excited to share stories of the beach and kangaroos. He even got to enjoy the right of passage for Australians with a road trip during the recent holidays.
“In Singapore you never have to drive more than 30 minutes to get from one place to the next. I am starting to get used to the long drives and really enjoyed the scenic experience of Victoria’s Great Ocean Road. I am hoping to get interstate now that the borders are open”, adds Tin.

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